
1. Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation
The Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC) is a voluntary partnership between the Government of Canada and industry. The Partnership, representing more than 98 percent of all industrial energy use in Canada, is tasked with helping companies cut costs and increase profits by providing information and tools to improve energy efficiency.
The CFA has been an active CIPEC member since 1999 and has a seat on the CIPEC Taskforce Council, represented by Judith Arbour, CFA and the CIPEC Executive Board, represented by Bradley Robertson, ESCO. This collaboration has initiated several projects including the Guide to Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Canadian Foundries and the Energy Efficiency Benchmarking Study for Canadian Foundries.
View the energy consumption profile of the Foundry Sector in the latest CIPEC Annual Report here.
Through the CFA, CIPEC can help your company beat high energy costs. A number of resources are available on the Natural Resources Canada website (, such as:
- CanMOST electric motor selection tool
- RETscreen
- An Efficient Scrap Metal Preheater for Foundries (PDF)
- Guide to Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Canadian Foundries
- Energy Efficiency Benchmarking Study for Canadian Foundries
CIPEC, in collaboration with CFA, initiated one hour webinars about energy efficiency subjects customized for the foundry industry.
For additional information contact:
Eric Gingras, Senior Industry Specialist,
Office of Energy Efficiency
Tel.: 343-292-8792

2. Canadian Manufacturing Coalition
The Coalition represents over 50 member associations from a variety of industry sectors with members from across Canada. The Canadian Foundry Association is a member of the CMC and provides a voice and representation of the foundry sector.
The focus continues to be to develop and support policy and regulatory initiatives aimed at improving competitiveness, growth and investment in Canada’s manufacturing industries and speak with a common voice. CMC has been instrumental in affecting policies in support of manufacturing because we work effectively together, leverage strength and speak where possible with a common voice.
Collectively, our efforts support the growth and sustainability of member companies. At the Federal level many actions are focused on continuing to raise the profile and importance of manufacturing to ensure that many issues are addressed.

3. Education Program
The Education Program is now under the direction of FEF Canada.
FEF strengthens the metal casting industry by supporting unique partnerships among students, educators and industry, helping today’s students become tomorrow’s leaders.
FEF Canada Shares the model developed by FEF USA. Recognizing the need for an organization nationally focused on Metal Casting Industry education in Canada, FEF Canada was founded in 2006.
official mission of fef canada:
To advance the Canadian Metal Casting Industry by; funding post secondary students, supporting training and school programs, collaborating with other organizations and, promoting the metal casting industry in Canada.
What they've done so far:
The Foundry Education Foundation Canada (FEF Canada) was established in 2006 and has awarded seven scholarships since 2010. FEF Canada currently manages funds to support three annual scholarships and is a registered charity in Canada.
Visit FEF Canada
4. Environment Committee
The MOECC issued Version 2.0 of the Foundries Industry Standard (FIS) on March 8, 2016.
Please note that the new 2016 FIS version has expanded requirements which apply to foundries already registered to the FIS for the applicable contaminant and not just new registrants. Facilities have until March 8, 2017 to implement these expanded requirements before they come into force.
The 2016 FIS also has new requirements depending on the contaminants registered and the pollution control equipment operated. These new requirements have various phase-in dates.
Environment Committee Members:
- Christina Wright, Chair, BCX Environmental Consulting
- Tyler Armstrong, Haley Industries Limited, Magellan Aerospace
- Ted Guiducci, Molten Metallurgy Inc.
- Raul Monroy, Nemak Canada Corporation
- Christopher Scullion, Trinity Consultants

5. Health and Safety Program
The CFA and WSPS joint Health & Safety Awards Program publicly acknowledges leaders in health and safety within the foundry industry in Alberta, BC, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Quebec and Ontario that have demonstrated continuous improvement in their management of health and safety and by doing so achieved performances better than the industry average.
The CFA and WSPS continue to promote the cause of health and safety which is to be free of all workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. The awards are presented by the CFA/WSPS at the CFA Annual Conference in September each year.
Launched in 2014, the CEO Health & Safety Leadership Network is a distinguished group of forward thinking senior leaders who embrace their role as champions and influences in the growth of sustainable businesses and communities in Ontario and beyond. The CFA participates in the WSPS CEO Health & Safety Leadership Network.
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Safety Groups Program recognizes employers that make it a priority to eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses. It is based on the premise that a well-integrated program is good for business and there are financial rewards. WSIB Safety Group rebates put premiums back into the pockets of the groups’ members. Many re-invest these rebates, multiplying the benefits of improving safety and organizational performance.
The Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) is the largest Safety Group provider and one of the longest running sponsors in the province with extensive experience in health and safety.
Safety Groups work together through local chapters to set individual safety goals, discuss challenges and develop solutions. They meet for five, half-day meetings and receive professional advice, information, products and services throughout the year. The foundry industry participates in Safety Groups.WSPS provides notices on MOL blitzes, webinars and articles which are sent to CFA members.
Robert Hill, Co-Chair, Nemak Canada Corporation
Deanna Ford, Co-Chair, Cambridge Brass Inc.
Sheila Blake, Riverside Brass and Aluminum Foundry
Centre Patronale de Santé et Sécurité du Travail du Quebec.
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services